Otomo De Manuel FR

Keep On, Walk and Walk, Walk the Speakers


Among the short plays produced by the Festival d’Avignon in its Vive le sujet! programme, Keep On, Walk and Walk, Walk the Speakers meets all the requirements of original writing and unclassifiable form. The three peripatetic speakers who question each other on the lawns of Parc Bernasconi, unleash a flow of words and innovate in the art of questioning each other while walking body to body: “Are you right-wing if you wear Ralph Lauren polo shirts?” An original way to rub moralists and haters the wrong way! “If my favourite place is in performance,” says Otomo de Manuel, a figure of French subculture for 30 years and author of the project, “I’m used to relying on different mediums to deal with the same subjects and to defend the foundations of queerness – ambiguity, strangeness, eccentricity – which nowadays have tended to give way to a kind of fashion tinged with activism”. Today, Keep On… will be going green and it’s truly refreshing!

Open-air show. Dress warmly. Show cancelled in case of rain

On 06 and 07.09, a COMBO ticket includes the performance of Hiba NAJEM OR Ana Rita TEODORO (18:00, same venue) and Otomo DE MANUEL, on the same day. Pass holder/festival-goer, this option is available from Ana Rita TEODORO's or Hiba NAJEM's page.

  • Buy COMBO tickets "Ana Rita TEODORO + Otomo DE MANUEL" directly from Ana Rita TEODORO's page.
  • Buy COMBO tickets "Hiba NAJEM + Otomo DE MANUEL" directly from Hiba NAJEM's page.

Villa Bernasconi / Lancy

Locations & access


COMBO tickets "Ana Rita TEODORO + Otomo DE MANUEL" on Ana Rita TEODORO's page ////// COMBO tickets "Hiba NAJEM + Otomo DE MANUEL" on Hiba NAJEM's page ////// Simple ticket - Full rate : CHF 20.- / Reduced rate : CHF 13.- / Special rate : CHF 10.- / Festival-goer rate : CHF 7.-


{{ date.title }} {{ event.time }}

{{ event.stitle }}

It is no longer possible to buy tickets. A small waiting list will be available, on site, when the box office opens. This list does not guarantee a ticket.

This show has several zones ! Please choose one so that you can take your seats.

{{ category.name }} {{ category.amount }}.- {{ ticketNumber(event, category) }}
{{ pass.form.firstname }} {{ pass.form.lastname }}
{{ pass.category_name }}
{{ checkPass(pass,zone)['tariff']['amount'] }}.- {{ ticketNumberPass(event, zone, pass) }}
You have no more room on this card.
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{{ category.name }} {{ category.amount }}.- {{ ticketNumber(event, category) }}


{{ category.name }} {{ category.amount }}.-

Hosted and co-produced by Villa Bernasconi - Centre d'art de la Ville de Lancy, with the support of the commune of Lancy

Length 40'



Otomo De Manuel    Instagram

Cast & credits


A creation
Eléa Ha Minh Tay, Ranga Langa, Otomo De Manuel
Concept, text, scenic trajectory
Otomo De Manuel
Elea Ha Minh Tay
Ranga Langa


Pinky Panda Production


SACD - Festival d'Avignon


Centre Dramatique National de Nancy, Théâtre de la Manufacture, Théâtre Ça Respire Encore

Villa Bernasconi / Lancy

Locations & access


COMBO tickets "Ana Rita TEODORO + Otomo DE MANUEL" on Ana Rita TEODORO's page ////// COMBO tickets "Hiba NAJEM + Otomo DE MANUEL" on Hiba NAJEM's page ////// Simple ticket - Full rate : CHF 20.- / Reduced rate : CHF 13.- / Special rate : CHF 10.- / Festival-goer rate : CHF 7.- / See rates details


{{ date.title }} {{ event.time }}

{{ event.stitle }}

It is no longer possible to buy tickets. A small waiting list will be available, on site, when the box office opens. This list does not guarantee a ticket.

This show has several zones ! Please choose one so that you can take your seats.

{{ category.name }} {{ category.amount }}.- {{ ticketNumber(event, category) }}
{{ pass.form.firstname }} {{ pass.form.lastname }}
{{ pass.category_name }}
{{ checkPass(pass,zone)['tariff']['amount'] }}.- {{ ticketNumberPass(event, zone, pass) }}
You have no more room on this card.
You already have a place for this show.
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{{ category.name }} {{ category.amount }}.- {{ ticketNumber(event, category) }}


{{ category.name }} {{ category.amount }}.-

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{{ cart.tickets_count}} Tickets / {{ cart.pass_count}} pass / {{ cart.amount_original}}.-

Your donations (+ CHF 2.- per solidarity ticket) will be added to the total and visible at the "credit card/Postcard/Twint payment" stage.

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Please read and accept the terms and conditions to validate your order.

To validate your order, please enter a valid email address on which your tickets and order confirmation will be sent.


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