Enter your card number below (festival-goer, accreditation, staff...)n
Don’t you have a card ?
Festival-goer Cards are now digital. You'll receive your pass by email directly after placing your order. Simply present the QR code at the entrance, or download the PDF. Your tickets are loaded onto the card and QR code. Only tickets purchased separately (and not at the festival rate) need to be downloaded.
Spectacles pour {{ querystring }} ({{spectaclesresult.length}})
{{ cart.tickets_count}} Tickets / {{ cart.pass_count}} pass / {{ cart.amount_original}}.-
Your donations (+ CHF 2.- per solidarity ticket) will be added to the total and visible at the "credit card/Postcard/Twint payment" stage.
To validate your order, please read and accept the terms and conditions, then enter a valid email address on which your tickets and order confirmation will be sent.
Please read and accept the terms and conditions to validate your order.
To validate your order, please enter a valid email address on which your tickets and order confirmation will be sent.
We inform you that you will need to complete one form per ticket before validating your shopping cart.
You will be asked for the last name(s), first name(s) and telephone number(s) of the ticket recipients !