At the age of 24, NoSo has come out in a beautiful way by releasing their debut album Stay Proud of Me in 2022, an album that sounds like a prayer for tolerance towards everything you are and everything you’re not. They have used it as a creative space to open up about their gender identity. Musically, guitars play a central role in their compositions. Delicate or catchy, light or scathing, they’re enhanced by layers of keyboards that give them an ethereal dimension. Their carefully crafted melodies, full of the depths of what the American artist has lived through, are as capable of upsetting as they are of healing the bruises of the soul. Listening to NoSo’s songs, you’ll feel deep, moving melancholy. The great fragility that emanates from their voice is matched only by the sincerity with which they share their experiences, with a determination to leave no one by the wayside.
Hosted and co-produced with La Parenthèse