Louis Jucker CH

Suitcase Suite

avec le Nouvel Ensemble Contemporain (NEC) : Noëlle-Anne Darbellay, Antoine Françoise, Antonin Jaccard, Jean-François Lehmann, Jocelyne Rudasigwa


From his architecture degree in Lausanne, Louis Jucker has certainly retained a taste for tinkering and building. Since devoting himself entirely to music, the full-bearded, curly-haired musician has loved nothing more than inventing and creating instruments from scratch and testing new recording techniques. An adept of lo-fi folk and DIY, he’ll showcase at La Bâtie a concert/show for his to be released album Suitcase Suite, featuring intriguing, mellifluous songs brought to life with the help of “suitcase” instruments which he designed himself. “Wave suitcase”, “suitcase guitar” or “modulation suitcase”, these strange objects will be revealed throughout the performance in his own hands and those of five musicians from Nouvel Ensemble Contemporain. Somewhere between a pop concert and an unusual musical laboratory, this unique show and joyful sharing experience will appeal to fans of all ages.

Le Galpon

Locations & access


Full rate : CHF 30.- / Reduced rate : CHF 20.- / Special rate : CHF 15.- / Festival-goer rate : CHF 7.-


{{ date.title }} {{ event.time }}

{{ event.stitle }}

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This show has several zones ! Please choose one so that you can take your seats.

{{ category.name }} {{ category.amount }}.- {{ ticketNumber(event, category) }}
{{ pass.form.firstname }} {{ pass.form.lastname }}
{{ pass.category_name }}
{{ checkPass(pass,zone)['tariff']['amount'] }}.- {{ ticketNumberPass(event, zone, pass) }}
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{{ category.name }} {{ category.amount }}.- {{ ticketNumber(event, category) }}


{{ category.name }} {{ category.amount }}.-

Hosted in collaboration with Le Galpon

Louis Jucker    WebsiteBandcampSpotify

Le Galpon

Locations & access


Full rate : CHF 30.- / Reduced rate : CHF 20.- / Special rate : CHF 15.- / Festival-goer rate : CHF 7.- / See rates details


{{ date.title }} {{ event.time }}

{{ event.stitle }}

It is no longer possible to buy tickets. A small waiting list will be available, on site, when the box office opens. This list does not guarantee a ticket.

This show has several zones ! Please choose one so that you can take your seats.

{{ category.name }} {{ category.amount }}.- {{ ticketNumber(event, category) }}
{{ pass.form.firstname }} {{ pass.form.lastname }}
{{ pass.category_name }}
{{ checkPass(pass,zone)['tariff']['amount'] }}.- {{ ticketNumberPass(event, zone, pass) }}
You have no more room on this card.
You already have a place for this show.
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{{ category.name }} {{ category.amount }}.- {{ ticketNumber(event, category) }}


{{ category.name }} {{ category.amount }}.-

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{{ cart.tickets_count}} Tickets / {{ cart.pass_count}} pass / {{ cart.amount_original}}.-

Your donations (+ CHF 2.- per solidarity ticket) will be added to the total and visible at the "credit card/Postcard/Twint payment" stage.

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Please read and accept the terms and conditions to validate your order.

To validate your order, please enter a valid email address on which your tickets and order confirmation will be sent.


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You will be asked for the last name(s), first name(s) and telephone number(s) of the ticket recipients !