Cuqui Jerez ES

Las Ultracosas


Performing, dancing, musical and luminous objects, dancers and set designers develop a living work on stage in a quest for identity: installation? Pictorial composition? Performance? For five hours Las Ultracosas rolls out a kaleidoscope of situations that question our perceptions and dramatic language. That’s what Cuqui Jerez’s unique show is all about: suspending common sense to explore the limits of language. Through an aesthetic experience of contemplation in which the expasnion of time and space are the conditions for the creation of new realities, the Madrid-based choreographer moves bodies – animated or not – like the signs of a text that is perpetually being constructed. In this sublimated world, the wait is uncomfortable, intriguing, amused before surrendering to the suspension of the senses. Las Ultracosas is a liberating experience.

No intermission. The audience may enter and leave during the performance.
16.09 --> last boarding 21:00
17.09 --> last boarding 17:00

Théâtre Saint-Gervais Genève

Locations & access


Full rate : CHF 30.- / Reduced rate : CHF 20.- / Special rate : CHF 15.- / Festival-goer rate : CHF 7.-


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{{ event.stitle }}

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{{ }} {{ category.amount }}.- {{ ticketNumber(event, category) }}
{{ pass.form.firstname }} {{ pass.form.lastname }}
{{ pass.category_name }}
{{ checkPass(pass,zone)['tariff']['amount'] }}.- {{ ticketNumberPass(event, zone, pass) }}
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{{ }} {{ category.amount }}.- {{ ticketNumber(event, category) }}


{{ }} {{ category.amount }}.-

Hosted in coproduction with the Théâtre Saint-Gervais - Genève

Length 300'

Cuqui Jerez    WebsiteFacebookInstagram

Cast & credits

Concept by
Cuqui Jerez
Created in collaboration with / performed by
Oscar Bueno, Javier Cruz, Cecile Brousse, Anto Rodriguez, Louana Gentner, Jorge Salcedo and Gilles Gentner
Scenography advisor
Jorge Salcedo
Technical director and lights
Gilles Gentner


Teatros del Canal, Madrid, Festival Next – Kunstencentrum Buda, Kortrijk and Área de Gobierno de Cultura, Turismo y Deporte del Ayuntamiento de Madrid


Festival de Otoño de la Comunidad de Madrid  in collaboration with Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Inland-Campoadentro, Madrid, Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), Beatriz Quintana and Miguel Jerez

Théâtre Saint-Gervais Genève

Locations & access


Full rate : CHF 30.- / Reduced rate : CHF 20.- / Special rate : CHF 15.- / Festival-goer rate : CHF 7.- / See rates details


{{ date.title }} {{ event.time }}

{{ event.stitle }}

It is no longer possible to buy tickets. A small waiting list will be available, on site, when the box office opens. This list does not guarantee a ticket.

This show has several zones ! Please choose one so that you can take your seats.

{{ }} {{ category.amount }}.- {{ ticketNumber(event, category) }}
{{ pass.form.firstname }} {{ pass.form.lastname }}
{{ pass.category_name }}
{{ checkPass(pass,zone)['tariff']['amount'] }}.- {{ ticketNumberPass(event, zone, pass) }}
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{{ }} {{ category.amount }}.- {{ ticketNumber(event, category) }}


{{ }} {{ category.amount }}.-

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{{ cart.tickets_count}} Tickets / {{ cart.pass_count}} pass / {{ cart.amount_original}}.-

Your donations (+ CHF 2.- per solidarity ticket) will be added to the total and visible at the "credit card/Postcard/Twint payment" stage.

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Please read and accept the terms and conditions to validate your order.

To validate your order, please enter a valid email address on which your tickets and order confirmation will be sent.


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