Yinka Esi Graves ES/US

The Disappearing Act


European, African, contemporary, flamenco dance finds its origins through the grace and virtuosity of Yinka Esi Graves. The London dancer’s body contains all the stories that make up the tableaux of her Disappearing Act. An unclassifiable show inspired by the character of Olga Brown, a 19th century acrobat and circus artist, known as La Lala, and immortalised in Degas’ painting Miss Lala at the Cirque Fernando, it features percussionist and poet Remi Graves, flamenco guitarist Raul Cantizano and flamenco singer Rosa de Algeciras, composing a polyphonic piece in the style of a Ghanaian party. Several stories come together in this first opus, which raises the curtain on the African presence in Spain, the reality of black women, the patterns of invisibilisation observed in nature, the story of Lala… Framed by meticulous dramaturgy, The Disappearing Act is a work that offers an intriguing and powerful interpretation of contemporary flamenco.

Espace Vélodrome / Plan-les-Ouates

Locations & access


Full rate : CHF 30.- / Reduced rate : CHF 20.- / Special rate : CHF 15.- / Festival-goer rate : CHF 7.-


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Hosted with the support of the Plan-les-Ouates Cultural Department

Length 60'


Yinka Esi Graves    FacebookTwitterInstagram

Cast & credits


Concept and direction                                        
Yinka Esi Graves
Choreography, dance and performance                   
Yinka Esi Graves
Musical direction and guitar                                  
Raúl Cantizano
Drums and lyrics                                                      
Remi Graves
Rosa de Algeciras
Carmen Mori
Image and cinematography                                       
Miguel Ángel Rosales
Stephanie Coudert
Sound technician                                                           
Javi Vila
Lighting technician                                                    
Carmen Mori
Production direction
Trans-Forma Producción Cultural / María Gonzalez Vidal
+34 637 81 82 88


Arts Council England, Africa Moment, Horizon: Performance created in England, Festival de Flamenco de Nîmes, Ayuntamiento de Barcelona - GREC, Centro Servicios Culturales Santa Chiara - Trento / Trentino - Alto Adige Südtirol Dance Circuit
Artistic residencies
Factoría Cultural- Instituto de Cultura y las Artes - Sevilla, Dance4 - Notthingham, Centro de Creación y Artes Vivas El Graner en Africa Moment'2 - Barcelona, Festival Flamenco - Nîmes, Bienal de Flamenco - Seville, Teatro de la Maestranza - Seville

Espace Vélodrome / Plan-les-Ouates

Locations & access


Full rate : CHF 30.- / Reduced rate : CHF 20.- / Special rate : CHF 15.- / Festival-goer rate : CHF 7.- / See rates details


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